Tuesday, March 25, 2014

S'no'W Fun-Saying "YES" to interesting!!!

          Hello!  I have been looking through pictures from this past few months and thinking about how even thought the winter was long and quite cold how it really had us working at how to stay not only busy, but entertained in learning.  In a multi age-child care program when one is the only adult for many hours it can be a challenge to meet that goal.  Some of my favorite activites were our sensory play activties with snow. I like snow as a focus resource because it enages the children in nature and many science properties, is adventureous (since we don't always have snow in the house) and let's face it - it's FREE!!! 
         Each time to enhance the experience and focus on different learning aspects we changed things up by adding different materials from around our home.  First off was our container...We have used a blow up baby pool, large under the bed storage tote, and smaller dishpans.  All chosen depending on what we wanted to do with the snow. The kids glove up with the little dollar bin stretch gloves for warmth and then top them with surgical gloves to stay dry.  Although the gloves don't always last. First we added the obvious things shovels, scoops and buckets be filled.  Other additions included colored ice cubes in various sizes, spray bottles and squirt bottles with watercoloring and various blocks with people, animals and cars.  This was one activity I could count on keeping the kids engaged at great lengths, not to mention the wonderful learning and conversation that happened in each instance.  What are some things that you might add?  

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