Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I am so sorry to have taken such a long break.  But let me tell you-I was super busy over this last several weeks and months which is going to mean loads of upcoming posts you will hopefully enjoy using to interact with your kiddos.  This is one of my favorites so I want to share it with you before the others.

While perusing photos online several weeks ago, I happened upon little twists of rope and yarn that appeared to me made to use as dolls or figures in dramatic play.  I can't say if they have a proper name, but my investigations came across many possibilities.  My husband and I especially got a laugh out of terming them voodoo dolls one evening of wrapping when the yarn I inadvertenly chose matched his top and shorts of the day.  In daycare we have decided that the British term POPPETS is what ours will go by, because we love to say it in a right proper English accent worthy of Duchess Kate. 

What we have found especially entertaining about them is their diverse nature that allows more open-ended play and imaginative work.  I hope I have a decent set of pictorial directions for you to follow if you choose to make your own.  Best of luck in your countryside, jedi knight, superhero, princess adventures.  


Cut four lengths of your rope choice
(I have used clothesline here)
Loop them over at the middle.
This makes the head.  
Use yarn to tie it off.

 Cut 4 pieces smaller than the first.  These will be placed as arms.

Add another tie around just about where you will want a waist.
Then feed the arms through the center of it all.

     Take your yarn ball and begin wrapping
      at the neck and down to the top of them arms.
Be sure to leave a decent tail that runs under wrapping to tie off to at the waist.

                     Crosswrap body and down one arm...
then back up the arm, across
the other diagnol of the body 

Finish out body by wrapping and tying off at waist.

                                     Tie on new color for pants.
                                Be sure to leave a decent tail at the
                               waist to tie off too at the end
Split the eight pieces and wrap down
then back up 4 for one leg.

Go down and back up for the
other leg and tie off at the waist.
Cut each end at feet and hands to even them up to finish it up. 
If your kiddos are old enough you could encourage the assistance and creativity to make these also!  Be sure to let us know about your making and playing with your own lil' dolls.  

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